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Embracing Joy - Kalea Haran on Finding the Fun at Penrhos College

15 July 2024

by Kalea Haran, Principal

At Penrhos College, one of our commitments to our community is to Find The Fun. Keep reading to find out what Find The Fun means to me, its value in education and its role at our College.


At Penrhos College, we see a world filled with wonder, joy and optimism. We understand that fun is more than just a moment of laughter.

“Fun is an essential part of education that cultivates a thriving environment where academic success and wellbeing flourish.”

When students enjoy their school experience, everything else follows naturally.

Fun plays a pivotal role in one’s educational journey. When students are engaged and have fun, their motivation to learn increases. This engagement is directly linked to improved academic performance and emotional wellbeing. 

Joyful learning experiences foster creativity, critical thinking and collaboration, which are fundamental skills for life. Finding fun is integral to fostering a sense of belonging, which is rooted in shared experiences and connections. 



At Penrhos College, we understand that when students feel a sense of belonging, they are more likely to thrive academically and socially. By incorporating fun into our school culture, we build a strong community where everyone feels connected, supported, and valued.


I was one of those students who loved school. I enjoyed learning, playing sports, participating in productions, and particularly treasured outdoor education and camps. These activities created cherished memories of friendship, learning and fun. 

Now, as the Principal of Penrhos College, I am dedicated to offer these same enriching experiences. Recognising that students spend a significant portion of their lives at school over 13 years, I strive to make it a place of happiness and fulfillment.




To me, as an educator, fun is about discovering joy in the process of learning. It’s about those moments of excitement when a new concept clicks, the laughter shared with friends during a group project, and the pride in overcoming a challenging task.

“Fun is the spark that ignites a lifelong love of learning.”

When students are having fun, they are more engaged, meaning they are more likely to participate actively in class, complete assignments with enthusiasm, and approach challenges with a positive mindset. 



At Penrhos, we believe that integrating fun into our educational approach not only enhances the learning experience but also leads to successful academic results. By creating a joyful and stimulating environment, we prepare our students to excel academically and develop a lifelong passion for learning.

Fun fosters a positive school environment where students feel safe and supported, reducing stress and anxiety. Emotional wellbeing is crucial for cognitive function and memory retention, enabling students to absorb and recall information more effectively. 

Additionally, fun and engaging activities promote collaboration and communication skills, which are essential for academic success and future career opportunities.

Having fun doesn’t mean we can’t be strong or challenge the status quo. At Penrhos, we believe that fun and strength go hand in hand. 

Fun can be a powerful tool for empowerment, encouraging students to take risks and think creatively. It allows us to ‘BLAZE’ as we learn, pushing boundaries and exploring new ideas with confidence. 

By enjoying the learning process and being comfortable, students are more likely to question, innovate and lead. We can challenge the norm and strive for excellence, all while having fun and enjoying the journey.

Welcome back to Term 3!

Term 3 at Penrhos stands out to me because it embodies our commitment to Find the Fun. Events like Science Day ignite curiosity and joy, while Book Day is filled with dress-up and playfulness. 

This Term, our annual production of Mamma Mia! showcases the students' incredible talent and the countless hours they've spent preparing, fostering creativity and camaraderie. Founders’ Day celebrates our rich history.

Fun is woven into the fabric of our school life and these events go beyond mere activities; they provide opportunities for our community to come together, connect and create lasting memories.

find the fun!

At Penrhos, we are more than just a school; we are a community. We bond through shared experiences and celebrate the joy of learning together. We create learning adventures and lasting memories. Our commitment to fun reflects our dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are prepared to embrace the future with confidence and optimism.



Our commitment to fun is reflected in our strategic pillars.

  • Embrace: We nurture timeless connections. Through shared experiences, we create a sense of belonging and community. Fun helps us build strong relationships that last a lifetime.
  • Create: We build learning adventures for life. Fun is at the heart of our innovative approach to education, where curiosity and imagination are encouraged.
  • Soar: We advance a culture of learning and growth. Fun stimulates a love for learning, inspiring students to reach new heights.
  • Blaze: We empower positive rebels to lead the way. Fun encourages students to take risks, think outside the box and become leaders who drive change.
  • Impact: We forge new futures in girls’ education. Fun is the catalyst for developing confident, empowered individuals who are ready to make a positive impact in the world.

We are immensely proud of the vibrant, joyful atmosphere at Penrhos College. Our commitment to helping students Find The Fun extends beyond their time here - it's a way of life. Finding the fun reflects our vision, expertise, values and commitment, driving us to create an environment where every student can thrive.


“I am thrilled to celebrate the joy, wonder and optimism that define our school, making Penrhos a place where fun and learning go hand in hand.”
Kalea Haran Principal, Penrhos College