Frequently Asked Questions
How many students attend Penrhos College?
Penrhos College’s student population ranges between 950 - 1100 students from Pre-Kindergarten - Year 12.
Will my child be able to attend an overseas university when they graduate from Penrhos College?
Yes, many major worldwide universities accept the West Australian Secondary Graduation Certificate plus an appropriate Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
What are the fees and charges?
Does Penrhos College offer before and after-school care?
Yes, we do! Click here to view more information about our before school supervision and after school care.
What is the Application process?
How do I request information about Penrhos College?
To receive more information on Penrhos College, please contact the Enrolments Team.
When do the College's Tour Events occur?
At what years are Boarders accepted at Penrhos College?
Boarders are accepted at all levels from Year 7 onwards. The Penrhos College Menai Boarding House offers accommodation for 100 girls ranging from Years 7 - 12.
Does Penrhos College accept International Students?
Which years are classed as "Intake Years" at Penrhos College?
We are happy to accept applications for any Year level at any time, but please note that applications are processed in order of receipt, with entry to Pre-Kindy, Kindergarten, Year 5, and Year 7 being particularly in demand.
If I am a past Penrhos College student (Alumni member) how will my child's application of enrolment be processed?
When a prospective student is the daughter/granddaughter of an Alumni member, an Application Form must still be lodged. Family connections and College ties (e.g. house affiliation) will be noted.
What happens if/when my child is offered a place at Penrhos College?
Upon receipt of an offer, your family will have a period of time in which to accept or decline that offer. The Enrolments Team will guide you through that process.
Does Penrhos College run an Orientation Program for incoming students?
The Penrhos College Junior School, Secondary School and Boarding House coordinate a variety of events and programs designed to make the transition and “settling in” period as seamless and straight forward as possible – for both students and their parents.
How do I withdraw my enrolment?
If you are considering withdrawing your child from Penrhos College, we recommend discussing your decision with the following staff members first:
- Junior School (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6): Head of Junior School – Mr. Wayne Revitt
- Secondary School (Years 7 to 12): Head of Secondary School – Mrs. Michelle Taylor
Please then complete our Withdrawal Form to confirm your withdrawal from the College.
Please note our withdrawal notice requirements for day students and boarders:
- Day students: a full term's notice. In the case of a currently enrolled student, this notice must be given on or before the first day of their intended last term.
- Boarding students: Boarders are expected to remain as boarders for the full year. In the case of a commencing student, a full term's notice is required prior to the expected commencement date.
Please refer to our terms and conditions of enrolment for detailed information on withdrawal notice requirements. For further inquiries, please reach out to the Enrolments team at +61 8 9368 9500 or